Vandy Vape Pyro 24 v2 RDTA
Sometimes, you need a burst of youthful energy to kick things into higher gear. That’s exactly what Vandy Vape is doing for the rebuildable atomizer (RBA) enthusiast community. Founded in 2016, Vandy Vape incorporates the same standard of manufacturing excellence that are routinely implemented by premium vaporizer companies. The key difference is that the young vape firm focuses on customizable builds, to near-immediate success.
The Vandy Vape Pyro 24 v2 RDTA is a fresh take on an old and much-maligned atomizer platform. Initially, Rebuildable Dripping Tank Atomizers, or RDTAs, started off with great promise and fanfare. Featuring a rebuildable tank atomizer (RTA) with a deck, chamber cap, and e-juice tank, an additional component – typically a spring-loaded, manually-operated pump – allowed the vaper to modulate e-liquid flow to the wicks/coils.
Hailed as a leading innovation due to the fact that the platform did not require disassembly to saturate the wick/coil system with e-juice, initial RDTAs were unfortunately more beneficial in theory than in practice. Often too complex in design and therefore, unreliable, most RDTAs from the introductory period became relegated to glorified paperweights.
This is where the Vandy Vape Pyro 24 v2 RDTA makes its greatest contribution. Utilizing cutting-edge technologies that actually work as advertised, the Pyro 24 is one of Vandy Vape’s most elegant and sophisticated products. The complex engineering, however, doesn’t detract from its reliability. All Vandy Vape rebuildables are constructed to exacting standards, making it one of the most powerful brand names within the advanced-enthusiast community.
A major selling point of the Pyro 24 v2 RDTA is its mixed-airflow intake system. Featuring dual side-airflow channels working in conjunction with an elevated “postless” deck design, the 24mm Pyro RDTA is incredibly efficient, delivering a vaping experience that rises head-and-shoulders above traditional or standard platforms. The deck also is compatible with standard coil designs, or the new, mesh-wire designs.
Additionally, the six-piece Vandy Vape Pyro 24 v2 can be fully disassembled, allowing advanced users easy access and a plethora of modulation capabilities. In addition, this RDTA features a 4ml-capacity, dripping-tank system, which ramps up end-user convenience by preventing excessive refill procedures.
Initial RDTA systems incorporated posted decks, which by default created challenges and limitations for vape manufacturers. Vandy Vape improved the dripping tank concept with its postless-build decks, which inherently frees up structural space and a deeper e-liquid well to facilitate large coil structures. Combined, the postless design gives greater control and options for the discerning vaper.
As is the case with every Vandy Vape rebuildable, the Pyro 24 RDTA incorporates only the most premium-quality construction materials. For instance, Vandy Vape engineers designed the Pyro 24 using 304 stainless steel, which is a robust and corrosion-resistance iteration mostly deployed in the broad food industry. Its resistance to high temperatures also makes it particularly appropriate for atomizer use.
With so much attention to detail, it’s unsurprising that Vandy Vape goes to great lengths to protect its brand reputation. Each of their atomizer products integrate a holographic-style emblem, in addition to a QR code. These authenticity measures prove the provenance of your Vandy Vape device, giving you the confidence that you’re only dealing with the best!
Vandy Vape Pyro v2 RDTA Specifications:
Manufactured by: Vandy Vape
E-Juice Capacity: 4ml
Threading: 510
Body Material: Stainless steel
Deck Size: 24mm
Number of Posts: Postless
Heights: 1.36 inches (34.5mm) - (not including drip tip)
Diameter: 0.96 inches (24.4mm)
Vandy Vape Pyro RDTA Includes:
1 x Vandy Vape Pyro RDTA
1 x 18.5mm Delrin Doc tip
1 x Extra glass tube
1 x Accessory bag
Vandy Vape Pyro v2 RDTA Features:
Gold-plated 510-threaded contact pin
2.0ml capacity that can increase to 4.0ml capacity
Postless build deck with four post holes
Compatible with single or dual-coil builds
Advanced fill system
Mixed-airflow intake system
Distinctive direct airflow to coil mechanism
Dual airflow slows
Adjustable airflow top cap
Includes Ultem wide-bore drip tip and Delrin Doc drip tip
510 drip-tip adapter included in package
Rebuildable atomizers (RDAs, RBA, RTAs) and their use pose certain risks that you should familiarize yourself with. All rebuildable atomizers are intended for advanced/expert users only, and not meant for beginner or intermediate vapers. You should have a minimum of 6 months experience with rebuildable atomizers prior to purchasing one for yourself and attempting to use it without the supervision of an expert. You must have intimate knowledge with using multimeters; be well versed with Ohms Law and how it relates to wattage and voltage; be well trained in building atomizer coils and how to properly configure them; and have a solid understanding of electronics in general.
Prior to purchasing and using any rebuildable atomizer, you must make sure that you fully understand the following:
- All rebuildable atomizer coils must first be tested prudently with a proper meter prior to it being used, as untested atomizer coils can be extremely dangerous.
- Coils that have been improperly configured or are otherwise faulty can blow your electronic device, which can result in serious injury to you and/or your property.
- Atomizer coils that have been newly constructed must be tested on a meter, then first used on an advanced personal vaporizer (APV) that has all of the appropriate safety features, including short-circuit protection. Once the atomizer coil has been tested and used on such a device, you can then cautiously use the coil on a mechanical MOD.
- Faulty or otherwise improperly configured rebuildable atomizer coils can damage electronic devices, which can result in bodily injury or harm.
By purchasing and using this product, you hereby consent to wholly taking full responsibility and sole liability for the purchase and use of this item. You further agree to hold harmless and indemnify Vapor Authority, its managers, executives, successors, shareholders, owners, employees, directors, and all affiliates from any and all liability for the usage of this product. Vapor Authority, Inc. is in absolutely no way, shape, or form liable for the harm or hazard that may arise due to the use of this product.