Learn All About Vaping - From Beginner To Advanced
Are you new to vaping? Do you have questions that you want some assistance with? Don’t worry—we’re here to help. In this section, we will attempt to answer the most frequent questions we receive from our customers. If your questions are not addressed in this “Learn” Section, feel free to send us an email with your specific question(s) and we will assist you the best way we can.
Disposable vapes are unquestionably among the most popular devices on the market today. What started out as a very small subsection of the vaping industry has blossomed into one of the most prominent. With the exponential growth, disposable vapes have enjoyed great advancements in technology, functionality, longevity, and flavor options. Of course, with the market flooded with so many disposable e-cigs to choose from, there are many questions you may have regarding them.
What is a Disposable Vape?
A dispsable vape or a disposable e-cig is one that is thrown away once the device has reached the end of its lifespan. Either the battery run out, the e-juice is depleted, or both. Unlike reusable vaporizers that allow you to change the coil or pod and refill the tank, disposable vapes are simply discarded.
What Are The Benefits of Disposable Vapes?
With no features, options, or the ability to refill or replace, you may wonder what the benefit of disposable vapes are. There are various advantages to these types of electronic cigarettes. For one, there is absolutely no skill or knowledge required to operate it. You simply pop open the device from the packaging and start vaping. This is particularly liked by those who are new to vaping and/or individuals who simply do not want to be bothered with adjustments and maintenance.
Another benefit of disposable e-cigs the small size. The majority of these devices are small and easy to carry, making them ideal for on-the-go use.
A third and rather important benefit of disposable vapes is that everything has been pre-set to work flawlessly. That is, the resistance of the atomizer coil, the output of the battery, the PG/VG ratio, etc has been designed to deliver a perfect puff with every draw. This eliminates any guesswork when using your device.
What Are The Types of Disposable Vapes?
There are some differences between various disposable vapes, but they all operate in basically the same fashion. The vast majority of them automatically operate by simply drawing on the mouthpiece, although very few of them are equipped with a manual button that must be pressed to take a hit.
Size - One major element that distinguishes one disposable vape from another is the device's size. Some, often referred to as "cig-a-likes" are about the size of an analog cigarette. Other disposables are significantly larger and are about the size of a small mod. Both types have pros and cons. Smaller units are easier to carry and are much more inconspicuous, but they do not last very long. Larger devices last much longer, but are bulkier and a bit visible.
Battery - Another differentiating characteristic between disposable vapes is the battery. Some devices are equipped with batteries that cannot be recharged, while others allow you to charge them. Those with rechargeable batteries are nice, as they can maintain a small size, but still last quite long. This is because the space can be occupied by larger e-juice tanks and smaller batteries. Of course, the downside is that you have to worry about recharging the battery, whereas disposables that do not have this capacity will operate from beginning to end without worrying about battery life.
What is a Puff Count?
The longevity or life of a disposable vape is measured by what is referred to as a "puff count." That is, it represents approximately how many puffs or hits you can take from the device before it must be discarded. It is important to note that puff counts are not exact depictions, but rather rough estimations. Some units may last a bit longer than the listed puff count, while other may last slightly less.
What is the Difference Between a Pod System and a Pod Mod?
Pod vape devices are ectremely popular today, with a virtually endless array of products to choose from. Although the different types of pod devices are mistakingly used interchangeably, there are very important differences and distinctions between the two type.
Pod Systems - Pod systems are typically smaller in size and are very basic in design. That is, there are no settings to adjust and fine-tune. Rather, the battery output and atomizer coil have been engineered to work optimally with one another, thereby ensuring the perfect puff. Some pod systems are furnished with a manual button that must be pressed to activate the unit, while other devices require you to simply draw on the mouthpiece to take a hit.
Some pod systems have atomizer coils that can be removed and replaced within the pod, while many do not. Those that do not are simply discarded once the coil has burned out, and a new pod is put in its place.
Aside from being small, lightweight, and easy-to-use, another great benefit of pod systems is the ability to effortlessly swap between pods, thereby enabling you to alternate between various e-juices that you enjoy.
Pod Mods - Pod Mods are similar to regular mods or advanced personal vaporizes, as they have various features available. Wattage and voltage adjustment, battery meters, and screens are just some of the available features you can utilize. The primary difference between pod mods and standard mods is that rather than using a cylindrical tank that is screwed on and off, pod mods operate with square-shaped e-juice reservoirs. Similar to pod systems, the benefit is that the pods can be effortlessly removed, allowing for easy swapping between various flavors.
What is the Difference Between a Tank and a Pod?
Many new devices now come in the form of pod systems. Pods are small, square-shaped, and removable e-juice reservoirs that contain an atomizer coil within them. Pods are generally made of plastic and are very small in size. Some pods enable you to replace the coil when needed, while others do not. Pods that do not have replaceable coils are discarded once the coil has burned out.
Pods are typically connected to the battery unit with magnets, make them effortless to remove and replace. This is beneficial, as you can easily switch between various e-liquid flavors.
Tanks are usually made of glass and are cylindrical in shape. Most tanks are significantly larger and longer than pods. The vast majority of tanks enable you to replace the atomizer coil once it has burned out, although there are very few that do not. Unlike pods, tanks are screwed into the battery unit, making it more difficult to swap between tanks.
What is the Difference Between a Clearomizer, Glassomizer, Cartomizer, and Tank?
Although all three perform the same general function, they do have certain distinctions. All three devices hold e-liquid, contain atomizer coils, and screw onto a battery. A cartomizer is a device that contains a cotton or cotton-like filament within the tank that absorbs the e-liquid. The liquid is then fed to the coils through this material and evaporates when heated by the battery.
A clearomizer, on the other hand, does not possess any such filament. Rather, the coils used with clearomizers have wicks attached to them. These wicks then absorb the e-liquid and feed it to the atomizer coils. Clearomizers also have large plastic e-liquid reservoirs that can hold various volumes of e-liquid.
Glassomizers, such as the Aspire Nautilus X and Kanger Protank 4, function in the identical way a clearomizer does. The sole distinction between a clearomizer and a glassomizer is that the e-liquid reservoir of clearomizers is made of plastic, while that of a glassomizer is made of Pyrex glass. The benefit of this is that unlike plastic tanks, which can erode over time due to the acidity of e-liquids, glassomizers are completely resistant to such erosion.
A tank is a general term used to describe clearomizers, glassomizers, and cartomizers. Although all have similarities and differences, each one can be referred to as a tank.
What is the Difference Between Advanced Personal Vaporizers (APVs) and MODs?
Although the two terms tend to be used interchangeably, they are completely different devices. Advanced Personal Vaporizers (APVs) are electronic devices with wires, circuits, and other electronic components. APVs are generally variable voltage and variable wattage, and have a host of features. When the fire button of an APV is pressed, it sends an electronic signal, making the battery function and heat up the atomizer coil.
A MOD is a mechanical device. They are called Mechanical MODs because they do not contain any circuity or electronic component whatsoever. When the fire button of a mechanical MOD is pressed, is physically makes a connection between the battery and the atomizer coil, causing it to heat up. Mechanical MODs are generally used with Rebuildable Dripping Atomizers (RDAs), not with clearomizers.
What is the Difference Between Rebuildable Dripping Atomizers (RDA) and Rebuildable Atomizers (RBA)?
Rebuildable Dripping Atomizers and Rebuildable Atomizers function is virtually the same way. They are generally high quality atomizer bases that allow you to build your own atomizer coils to use with them. Wicks or cotton is then run through the coils in order to absorb the e-liquid dripped onto them, feeding the liquid to the coils. The difference between RRA and RBA is that RDA require you to continuously drip e-liquid onto the cotton or wick material. After a few drags, the liquid dries up, requiring you to drip more. RBA, on the other hand, have reservoir tanks, allowing you to fill more liquid into them so that dripping continuously is unnecessary.
What is the Difference Between Single-Coil Atomizers and Dual-Coil Atomizers?
An Atomizer head is the part of the electronic cigarette device that contains a wick or filament material of some kind. The material is there to absorb the e-liquid and feed it to the atomizer coil(s). The coils are wires that connect to a base, which in turn connects to the battery. When the battery is deployed, the wires heat up and vaporize the e-liquid.
A single-coil atomizer head has just one single wire that is coiled up with the filament material running through it. A dual-coil atomizer head has two of these coiled wires running to the battery, providing essentially double the amount of vapor when the battery is deployed. The primary benefits of dual-coil atomizer heads are that they produce more vapor and flavor. The primary downside of them is that they tend to burn through e-liquid at a faster rate than their single-coil counterparts.
How Do You Fill A Vape Tank With E-Liquid?
Although tanks come in a variety of brands, sizes, and designs, they are generally constructed the same. The primary distinction between tanks is whether they are top coil or bottom coil. This simply refers to the location of the atomizer coil. The majority of tanks nowadays are bottom coil.
To fill your tank, you first need to unscrew either the base or the top portion where the mouthpiece is located, depending on the clearomizer you are using. If it’s a bottom coil tank, you will be removing the base portion. Once you have done so, very slightly tilt your tank, and fill the tank portion with e-liquid. It is very important that you don’t get any liquid into the center hole. To ensure this, allow the e-liquid to cascade down the side on the tank until it is filled up to just beneath the center air hole.
How Do You Know When It’s Time to Change Youd Tank's Atomizer Coil?
You will know when the atomizer coil is due to be replaced when you begin experiencing certain changes with the taste and performance of your tank. You will notice that when you have a fresh atomizer coil in place, your will obtain large vapor clouds and robust flavor from your e-liquid. The first sign that your coil is starting to burn out is when the vapor production is less than it was when you first started using it. The second indication that your atomizer coil needs to be replaced is that the flavor will be less tasty, and will begin to show a burnt taste to it. This burnt taste will become more and more apparent as the coil starts to burn out. The flavor will be completely burnt, and your coil will ultimately stop working if you don’t replace it. We recommend that you change the coil at the very first sign of the burnt taste.
How Do You Change The Atomizer Coil?
There are essentially two types of tanks: bottom coil and top coil. This simply refers to the physical location of the atomizer coil. If it is a bottom coil tank, the atomizer coil will be located at the bottom of the device. If it is a top coil tank, the atomizer coil will be located towards the top of the device. The majority of tanks are bottom coil, but top coil devices are certainly out there.
For a bottom coil tank, simply unscrew the base of the device until it is removed. Attached to the center of the base will be the atomizer coil. Unscrew the coil and discard it. Then, screw on your new replacement coil. Finally, screw the base back onto the tank, and you’re all done.
For a top coil vape tank, simply unscrew the top portion of the tank where the mouthpiece (drip tip) is located. The atomizer coil will be attached to the center of that component. Unscrew the atomizer head and throw it away. Then screw on the new atomizer head and attach the entire component back to the tank.
It is important to remember that when you put in a fresh atomizer coil, since the wicks located within the coil are dry, you will have to puff on your ecig a few times to draw liquid to the wicks. Until the wick is adequately saturated, you will experience a burnt taste. This is completely normal. You can either take short, rapid puffs without inhaling until the wicks are wet with e-liquid, or allow your clearomizer to sit for 5 minutes or so standing upright. The wicks will slowly absorb the e-liquid, and you will be able to avoid any burnt tasting hits.
How Do You Prime A New Atomizer Head?
There's nothing like a fresh atomizer coil, but as most vapers experience, the first few puffs with a new atomizer head can have a burnt and unpleasant taste to it. To minimize this problem, priming your atomizer coil is a good idea. Priming your atomizer coil essentially means saturating the dry wicking material with e-liquid so that when the device is activated, it vaporizes the e-liquid rather than burn the wicking material.
There are four simple and easy steps involved in priming a new atomizer head:
Step 1) Before the new atomizer head is screwed onto the tank (cleaomizer/glassomizer), put a couple drops of e-liquid into the holes where you can see the wicking material, which is usually white in color. Allow for those drops of liquid to be absorbed into the material. For top-coil or long-wick tank, simply saturate the individual wicks with e-liquid.
Step 2) Screw the atomizer coil back onto the tank, making sure that the tank is filled with a sufficient amount of e-liquid.
Step 3) Without pressing the fire button, take some deep drags off your device. If the air hole is visible and accessible, use your finger to cover the hole(s) while taking the drags.
Step 4) Press the fire button and take several short rapid puffs without inhaling the vapor. Repeat this step three or four times. Once this is complete, your new atomizer coil will be primed and ready to use.
How Do You Clean Your Vape Tank?
Cleaning your tank (clearomizer or glassomizer) is rather easy task. However, it is important to note that you can only clean reusable clearomizers, not disposable ones. Some tanks can be fully disassembled while others cannot. Regardless of what type you have, the steps required to clean your tank are generally the same.
Step 1) Unscrew the portion of your tank necessary to access the e-liquid reservoir and empty out all of the e-liquid within the tank.
Step 2) If your tank can be disassembled, take each individual component apart, making sure to remove the atomizer head. If your tank cannot be taken apart, then simply remove the atomizer head.
Step 3) Run the various components of the device under running water. Make sure that everything is thoroughly rinsed and cleaned. Never use soap, alcohol, hydrogen peroxide, or anything of the sort when cleaning your tank. All you need is water. If the drip tip can be removed, however, it can be cleaned with soap.
Step 4) Shake the various components vigorously to rid it of as much water as possible. Then, use a paper towel to dry the rest of the tank as best as possible. Don't worry if there is a very minor trace of residual water inside the tank, just try to dry it as well as you can.
Step 5) Screw the atomizer head back onto the appropriate component. It is recommended that you replace your atomizer coil after the tank has been cleaned, but the existing one can be used as well.
Step 6) Simply put all of the various components of the tank back together, fill it with e-liquid, and you are ready to start vaping with a freshly cleaned tank.
With so many various electronic cigarette available today, how do you know which one is right for you? To make this determination, you need to begin eliminating certain product categories until you have reached the right group of possibilities that you can select from.
Step 1: What size of a device do you want?
The first step in determining the best ecig setup for you is to decide how large or small of a device you are comfortable with. There are pros and cons to each size type. Larger devices, such as Advanced Personal Vaporizers (APVs) tend to offer more features that allow you customize your vaping experience. In addition, larger devices will have changeable batteries and will last longer between charges. That is, the device itself will have a compartment for a battery that you can replace. This is convenient because you can always have a fully charged spare battery available, so when the battery itself dies, you can replace it with the charged one so that you will never be left without your electronic cigarette. The downside, of course, is that it is a larger device to carry around with you on a daily basis.
Smaller devices, such as pod systems, are beneficial because they are easier to carry and transport. They generally contain fixed rechargeable batteries, although some smaller units feature removeable and replaceable batteries. The downsize to small vape devices is that they hold less vape juice, requiring more frequent refills.
Step 2: What type of features are you looking for?
Electronic cigarettes range from extremely basic to very advanced. You need to determine what features are important to you in order to ascertain what device to consider. At the most basic level would be some of the basic starter kits, such as the Kanger eSmart or the Kanger Evod Starter Kits. These are very simply batteries and clearomizers that will work well and don’t have any additional features or functions to worry about.
Some devices offer limited options, such as variable voltage capabilities, which allows you to adjust the voltage output of your ecig battery. This is a nice feature, as you can customize how strong of a hit you get out of your ecigarette.
The most advanced setups generally include devices called Advanced Personal Vaporizers (APVs). These are loaded with features that will allow you to customize your overall vaping experience substantially. APVs are generally variable voltage, variable wattage, have ohms meters, puff counters, and are loaded with a host of safety features. Nowadays, there are APVs that are smaller in size than others, such as the Eleaf iStick or the Vaporesso Target Mini.
Many people who are new to the world of vaping or simply do not want to worry about multiple settings, prefer extremely basic devices. Most basic units today come in the form of pod systems. These are typically small units that have virtually no settings or features to adjust. Rather, the atomizer coil and battery have been fine-tuned to work optimally with one another, thereby providing a perfect hit. In fact, many pod systems do not even have a manual battery to press in order to activate the device. Rather, you simply draw on the mouthpiece, and the unit will automatically operate.
Step 3: Do you want a starter kit or do you prefer putting together your own set?
Starter kits will provide you with everything you need to begin vaping, except for e-liquid. They will include batteries, clearomizers, replacement atomizer coils, chargers, and wall adapters. There are a plethora of starter kits to choose from, should you decide to go this route.
Building your own device can be beneficial, as you will be able to pick and choose which products to put together. However, if you are just starting out, determining which products work well with one another, the components you need, and how well they fit together could be a daunting task. The basic components you need are batteries, clearomizers, replacement atomizer coils, a charger, wall adapter, and e-liquid. With these components, you will be able to start vaping.
If you need help deciding the best starter kit or to put together your own custom set, feel free to contact us and we will be more than happy to walk you through the process step-by-step.
With so many e-liquid lines to choose from, determining which one is best for you can be a truly daunting task. Although the specific flavor for you is a matter of personal preference, there are some general guidelines to adhere to when making your selection.
First and foremost is quality. You want to stay away from e-liquids that are not manufactured in the United States, such as Chinese-made e-liquids. E-liquids that are not wholly made in the United States will tend to be loaded with impurities and artificial ingredients, which can be potentially harmful to you. In addition, you want to make sure that the e-liquid lines you are considering are made to FDA standards, and use pharmaceutical-grade or food-grade ingredients. Vapor Authority only carries USA made e-liquids that meet our extremely high quality standards.
Regarding flavor selection, there are 5 basic e-liquid flavor categories: fruit, tobacco, drink, candy, dessert, and menthol. Of course, there are flavors that combine these categories, but those are the basic ones. The best way to figure out which flavor categories you like is to simply try them out. Purchase numerous small sizes of various e-liquids to try. You will know right away which ones you love and which ones you hate. Once you have a basic understanding of the flavor types you enjoy, keep trying e-liquids within those flavor categories until you have a set of them that you absolutely love.
To determine the nicotine strength to use, it is important to first understand what your current habits are. If you are a cigarette smoker, then you will likely want to select a nicotine strength based on how heavy of a smoker you are. In time, you can gradually reduce the amount of nicotine until you reach zero. If you are currently not a cigarette smoker, it would be best to use 0mg nicotine.
What is Sub-Ohm Vaping?
One of the primary components of all electronic cigarettes is the atomizer coil. Atomizer coils come in a variety of forms, from single-coil and dual-coil to top-coil and bottom-coil. One of the primary variations is the resistance of the atomizer coil itself. Standard resistance atomizer coils are between 1.0 ohms and 3.0 ohms. Sub-ohm atomizers are those with coils that are under 1.0 ohms. They vary in range from between 0.1 ohms to 0.9 ohms.
Clearomizers that use or are compatible with sub-ohm atomizer heads are called sub-ohm clearomizers. Using sub-ohm clearomizers to vape is referred to as “Sub-Ohm Vaping.” However, sub-ohm vaping requires more than just a sub-ohm clearomizer. They also require high-wattage devices to power them properly. Although much higher wattages can be used, sub-ohm clearomizers require a minimum of 25W to make the sub-ohm atomizers effective.
Is Sub-Ohm Vaping Dangerous?
Sub-ohm vaping pushes the limits of the physics of ohms and wattages. This is done to achieve the largest vapor clouds and maximum performance out of an individual’s electronic cigarette device. Anytime limits are pushed, the potential for danger does rise. However, sub-ohm vaping as it exists today can be relatively safe.
Sub-ohm atomizers that are built by the user in RDAs and RBAs are higher risk than those that are premade by the manufacturer. Human error leaves more room for mistakes and subsequent hazards when the atomizer is custom built. Premade sub-ohm coils, such as Kanger OCC coils and Aspire Atlantis coils are made with precision by machines, and therefore decrease the chance of danger when using sub-ohm setups. Of course, that is not to say that it still cannot be dangerous. Ramping up the output wattages of batteries that are attached to sub-ohm coils does pose certain risks and should be engaged with caution only by very experienced vapers.
What Are the Benefits and Downsides of Sub-Ohm Vaping?
When sub-ohm atomizers are coupled with high wattages, the result is much thicker and richer vapor clouds. The combination creates massive vapor clouds that cannot be achieved with standard resistance atomizer coils. Additionally, the flavor produced by the e-liquid is exceptionally more robust and savory.
The primary downsides of sub-ohm vaping are that it requires more battery power and burns through e-liquid faster. Since the wattage output of the battery must be much higher when sub-ohm vaping, the battery life will be shortened accordingly. You will, therefore, be forced to charge the battery more frequently. In addition, although one of the benefits of sub-ohm vaping is that it produces more vapor, larger clouds necessarily equates to the use of more e-liquid. Consequently, you will consume substantially more e-liquid when you use a sub-ohm setup.
Is Sub-Ohm Vaping Right for Me?
Sub-ohm vaping is an advanced form of electronic cigarette use and should not be engaged in by new vapers. Sub-ohm vaping requires knowledge relating to Ohms Law, Watt’s Law, and how they relate to each other. It is not recommended that a novice vaper engage in the act of sub-ohm vaping.
If you do have experience with vaping, then you may want to consider sub-ohm vaping. Whether or not it is right for you depends on what your vaping needs and goals are. If you are a cloud chaser seeking the largest possible vapor clouds, then sub-ohm vaping may be a good option for you. On the other hand, if you simply want smooth hits that produce substantial vapor, then sub-ohm vaping is not necessary. A good clearomizer and APV is capable of producing a wonderful and satisfying vaping experience.
What is a Rebuildable Atomizer?
A Rebuildable Atomizer is a device that allows the user to build his/her own atomizer coils. Rebuildable atomizers are made of various metals, such as stainless steel and brass, and are furnished with positive and negative posts. The user will then take a piece of Kanthal resistance wire and shape it in a coil formation. One end of the wire will be connected to a positive post, while the other will be connected to a negative post. Wicking material, such as silca wick or cotton, is then fed through the opening of the coils. This wicking material will act as a sponge to absorb the e-liquid and feed it to the heating element to be vaporized.
What’s the Difference Between an RDA and an RBA?
A Rebuildable Dripping Atomizer (RDA) and a Rebuildable Atomizer (RBA) function in essentially the same fashion. They both allow for the user to build custom atomizer coils. However, once the build is complete, an RDA user must drip small amounts of e-liquid onto the wicking material at any one time. After a few hits, the e-liquid will dry up and more drops of e-liquid must be added to continue vaping. RBAs on the other hand, are equipped with e-liquid reservoirs that can be filled in a similar fashion as clearomizers. The e-liquid is then constantly fed to the wicking material, thereby eliminating the need to constantly drip.
Are Rebuildable Atomizers Dangerous?
Rebuildable dripping atomizer can definitely be dangerous. If you are inexperienced and improperly build your coil, this can result in an accident. Incorrectly building your atomizers, using the wrong wires, and incorrect power outputs are some of the things that can potentially cause a dangerous situation. Correctly using an RDA or RBA can be safe; however, it is essential that you are trained by an experienced dripper before building your own coils.
Is Dripping Right for Me?
Dripping is an extremely advanced form of vaping. There are many factors involved with using rebuildable atomizers that must be understood before engaging in this activity. It is recommended that one has a minimum of six months vaping experience, and one month of training from an experienced dripper before partaking in dripping/building on your own.
If you are an experienced vaper, then dripping and building may be something that interests you. Whether or not dripping is right for you depends on what your vaping needs are. If you are a moderate vaper and simply want a clean hit with large vapor clouds, then you can achieve this with a good clearomizer and a box MOD. However, if you are a cloud chaser and want the absolute largest vapor clouds possible, then an RDA or RBA may be something to consider.
However, with the advanced hardware currently available, simply seeking extremely large vapor clouds no longer requires the use of an RDA/RBA. Sub-ohm clearomizers, such as the Aspire Atlantis and the Kanger Subtank, will provide comparable vapor clouds as RDAs do. Of course, with a rebuildable atomizer, you are afforded far greater flexibility which allows you to tweak your setup for optimum performance. Nevertheless, the high wattage devices and sub-ohm clearomizers available today will provide for outstanding vapor and flavor production.
What is a Box MOD?
A box MOD is an electronic cigarette device that either contains an internal battery or has housing space for an external battery. They come in two primary forms: regulated and unregulated. Both versions have a square-shaped design, hence the name box MOD.
What Are the Different Types of Box MODS?
There are two basic types of box MODs: regulated and unregulated. The fundamental difference between the two is that mechanical box MODs do not possess any electronic components whatsoever, while regulated ones do. As with all mechanical MODs, the box-shaped versions are void of circuit boards, chips, OLED screens, and the like. When the fire button of a mechanical box MOD is pressed, it physically completes a connection between the battery and the coil thereby activating it.
On the other hand, regulated box MODs, which are generally referred to as simply box MODs, are electronic devices. When the fire button is pressed, the message is relayed through its processor signaling the device power the atomizer coil. Modern box MODs are variable voltage, variable wattage, and loaded with a plethora of advanced features. Most brand name box MODs, such as the Eleaf iStick 50W, the SMOK G-Priv, the Vaporesso Nebula, the Tesla Touch, and the Wismec Reuleaux RX2/3 come standard with features such as OLED screens, variable wattage capability, variable voltage capability, ohms meters, puff counters, and a host of safety features.
Is a Box MOD Right for Me?
Box MODs in general are the current trend within the vaping industry. Their extreme popularity has made many vapers wonder if purchasing one is the correct move for them. The answer to this question is dependent on your personal wants, needs, and preferences.
The first factor in determining if a box MOD is right for you is ascertaining whether you are interested in a mechanical MOD or an electronic one. Mechanical box MODs are generally used with Rebuildable Dripping Atomizers (RDAs), which is an advanced form of vaping. If you don’t have experience with dripping, then no mechanical MOD is right for you—box-shaped or otherwise. However, if you are considering a regulated box MOD, then it is something that should be contemplated.
Another important matter to consider is the shape of the device. Whether you are interested in a regulated or unregulated box MOD, they will all be similarly shaped. It is, therefore, important to consider whether or not this unique design is one that you will be comfortable with. If you are used to the long tube-shaped electronic cigarettes, switching to a box-shaped device will take some getting used to. However, many of the smaller sized box MODs, such as the Eleaf iStick 30W, fits very comfortably in your hand. The majority of box MOD users claim that the shape is substantially more comfortable to hold throughout the day than their cylindrical counterparts.
You must also consider the size of the device you are currently using in an effort to determine whether or not a box MOD is right for you. If you are used to using a compact electronic cigarette then a box MOD may be too large for you. Although smaller versions do exist, such as the Eleaf iStick Mini, they will all be larger in size than a compact device, such as the Kanger eSmart. However, it is worth noting that the quality of vapor and the overall enhanced vaping experience enjoyed by users of regulated box MODs certainly accounts for the difference in size. Although generally considered well worth the larger size, it is still a matter of personal preference.
Confused About Ohms, Wattage and Voltage?
The Vaping Power Chart below will help you understand Power vs Resistance
Airflow Control Valve
An airflow control valve is a device that screws into the base of your clearomizer. Once installed, this device allows the user to adjust the amount of air that is drawn into it while taking a hit.
APV stands for Advanced Personal Vaporizer. An APV is an electronic cigarette device that offers a variety of options not available on standard electronic cigarette batteries. APVs generally have removable batteries that are much higher in mAh than conventional electronic cigarette batteries. APVs are also generally variable wattage as well as variable voltage. Other common features are puff counters, where the device counts the number of puffs you have taken; ohms reader, whereby the device can tell you the resistance level of the atomizer being used, and can adjust the voltage output automatically for optimal performance; and a battery level indicator. Some APVs come with even more advanced options, such as the ability to connect the device to your computer, where you can see advanced charts relating to usage, etc. Click on the link to see a selection of APVs.
An atomizer is the heating element in an e-cigarette that turns the e-liquid into vapor. Today, there are several different types of atomizers for you to choose from. Each atomizer differs in its design and threading. Some atomizers have been designed to produce a larger amount of vapor; some atomizers are specifically designed to produce a more flavorful vape; and other atomizers have been created to offer a deeper “throat hit.” Atomizers are typically used with a separate cartridge or tank which is what you actually fill with liquid.
Choosing the correct atomizer depends upon the preference of the individual user. However, here is a general guideline to help you select the best atomizer for your needs:
- If you are seeking a large cloud of vapor when you take a drag, you should try a low-resistance atomizer.
- If you are seeking a profound “throat hit,” you should try a high-resistance atomizer.
Remember that not all atomizers will fit every battery. You have to make sure that the threading of the atomizer fits the threading of your battery. For example, a 510 atomizer will only fit a battery with 510 threading. Similarly, an eGo thread clearomizer will only fit an eGo threaded battery. In order to mix and match atomizers and batteries, you will need a thread adapter.
Atomizer Head
An atomizer head, which is also referred to as an atomizer coil, is the portion of a cartomizer/clearomizer that makes contact with the battery on one side and with the e-liquid on the other side, thereby vaporizing the liquid into a vapor that can be inhaled. Atomizer heads can be used for a portion of time, depending on the type of cartomizer/clearomizer, then must be discarded. In some cartomizers and clearomizers, the atomizer head itself can be replaced, while with others the entire cartomizer/clearomizer must be replaced.
Automatic Battery
An automatic electronic cigarette battery is one that does not require the user to manually press a button in order to activate the electronic cigarette device. Rather, as soon as the user begins inhaling, the device automatically activates and begins vaping.
Beauty Ring
Also referred to as a “Thread Cover,” a beauty ring is a small circular metal piece that is used to fill in the gap between the battery and the clearomizer. This type of gap generally occurs when using a medium sized battery, such as an eGo battery, and a larger tank, such as the Kanger ProTank 2. When these two devices are connected, there is a gap between them. A beauty ring fills in this gap, creating a smoother transition between the tank and the battery. Click on the link to see beauty rings.
Bottom Coil Atomizer
A bottom coil atomizer is one where the atomizer head sits on the bottom of the tank. The e-liquid is then slowly absorbed and vaporized as used. The primary benefit to bottom coil atomizers versus top coil atomizers is that contrary to top coil atomizers, where the liquid must remain full enough to reach the wicks leading to the atomizer, bottom coil atomizers will work all the way down to the last drop of liquid. The primary downfall is that the atomizer may receive more liquid than is necessary, causing a gurgling sound and a flooding of the atomizer.
Bottom Dual-Coil Atomizer (BDC)
A bottom dual-coil atomizer is a bottom-coil atomizer (see “Bottom-Coil Atomizer” above), however it has two atomizer coils rather than one (see “Dual-Coil Atomizers” below).
A Box MOD is an advanced personal vaporizer (APV) that has a square shape to it. Although mechanical box MODs do exist, the majority of them are variable voltage and variable wattage devices with several advanced features. Examples of Box MODs include the Eleaf iStick, Tesla Touch, Laisimo L1, and the SMOK G-Priv.
Refers to the act of putting together one’s own atomizer coil using an RDA or RBA.
A person who engages in the act of building his/her own atomizer coils using an RDA or RBA.
A cartomizer is a device that combines an atomizer as well as the cartridge/tank all in one unit, thereby eliminating the problem of multiple pieces seen in older atomizing units. The cartomizer is one piece that screws directly into the battery.
Cartomizers have several advantages, one being that due to their ability to hold larger amounts of liquid, thereby reducing the time between refills. There are many types and brands of cartomizers. Some have polyfill liners that act as an absorbing sponge that holds the liquid, making it virtually impossible to spill or leak. These cartomizers generally hold about 30 standard drops of e-liquid. Other cartomizers have tanks that can either be directly filled with e-liquid or may need a syringe and needle to fill. Depending on the user, some feel that the tank cartomizers offer a better vape because they do not contain the polyfill material.
Although cartomizers are sometimes described as “disposable” or “one-time fills,” they can in fact be refilled up to 20 times before needing to replace it. In addition, most cartomizers can be cleaned between uses. Similar to cartridges, there are various methods that can be used to clean your cartomizer. Click on the link to see cartomizers.
A device that combines a clearomizer and cartomizer in one unit. A carto-tank is essentially a cartomizer that sits inside of a tank. The tank is filled with e-liquid, so the cartomizer is constantly fed with liquid rather than needing to be constantly refilled.
Ceramic Coils
Ceramic atomizer coils are quite different than standard ones, as they contain no wick to absorb the e-juice. Rather, the atomizer's wire is enbedded within the ceramic disk. Since ceramic is porous, it is able to absorb the e-liquid and feed it to the heating element to be vaporized. Ceramic coils are advantageous because they last significantly longer than standard wicked coils, but deliver less flavor intensity.
Cig-a-like electronic cigarettes are ones that closely mimic the size, shape, and general design of analog cigarettes. They tend to be very small, and often have small LED lights on the ends of them to represent the look of a lit cigarette.
Clapton Coils
Clapton atomizer coils are similar to standard atomizers, but rather than a single strand of metal, Clapton coils are designed with a small gauge wire, which is wrapped around a larger gauge wire. This increases the coil's surface area, resulting in create flavor intensity and vapor production.
A clearomizer is similar to a cartomizer and serves the same function. However, unlike cartomizers, clearomizers do not contain any polyfill material in them. They tend to hold as much e-liquid as cartomizers, and even double the amount of e-liquid, depending the model.
An e-cigarette clearomizer can be defined as a small reservoir that has a heating component above it. It is virtually the same as a cartomizer, which uses an atomizer as the heating element. A wick, which is attached to the heating component, extends into the clearomizer’s reservoir or tank. The wick functions as an absorber of the e-juice, feeding it to the heating element.
Although clearomizers and cartomizers function in very similar ways, there are a couple differences between them. The most prominent difference is that clearomizers are transparent, allowing the user to see exactly how much e-liquid remains in the tank. In addition, cartomizers generally contain a polyfill material that absorbs the e-liquid, and has an atomizer head built in. Clearomizers, on the other hand, do not contain any polyfill material within it.
There are many different types of clearomizers from bottom coil to top coil, some are disposable, others can be rebuilt with new replacement heads. Click on the link to see Clearomizers.
Cloud Chasing
Refers to the act of striving to achieve the largest vapor clouds possible. Those who engage in cloud chasing are called “could chasers.”
A coiler, or coil jig, is a device that helps build atomizer coils. One of the requirements in building one’s own atomizer coil is that the wire must be coiled. A coiler makes it much easier to create more precise coils.
Constant Voltage
Constant voltage batteries are ones where the voltage output cannot be altered, as can be done with variable voltage batteries. The majority of constant voltage batteries, such as the Joyetech eGo-C Upgrade and the Kanger Evod, generally have a constant voltage output of 3.7V.
Disposable Vapes
Disposable vapes (also referred to as disposable e-cigs, disposable e-cigarettes, and disposable vape pens) are devices that are discarded once their lifespan has been surpassed. Disposable vapes do not have removable atomizer coils or refillable e-juice tanks.
Drip Tips
Drip tips are the mouthpiece of an electronic cigarette that fits into the top of a cartomizer or clearomizer. Drip tips are made from various materials, including plastic, polyurethane, and aluminum. They are offered in various shapes and sizes, depending on the users’ preferences. Drip tips can be removed and cleaned as often as necessary. Click on the link to see drip tips.
A person who vapes using Rebuildable Dripping Atomizers. This word, “dripper,” refers to the fact that RDAs require the user to constantly drip e-liquid into the device.
Dual-Coil Atomizers
Dual-coil atomizers are atomizer units with two atomizer coils, rather than the standard single-coil. The benefit of dual-coil atomizers versus single-coil atomizers is that the dual-coils produce much larger vapor clouds than their single-coil counterparts. Simply stated, double the coils equals double the vapor production. The primary downside to dual-coil heads is that they consume a lot more e-liquid than single-coil atomizers. A secondary problem with dual-coil atomizers is that some do not work well with medium-sized batteries, such as eGo batteries, as they require higher voltage than what such a battery can produce.
Electronic Cigarette
An electronic cigarette (also known as e-cig, e-cigarette, personal vaporizer, PV) is an electronic inhaler that vaporizes a liquid solution into a vapor, simulating the act of tobacco smoking. Electronic cigarettes come in a wide array of sizes, styles, shapes, and colors. There are disposable electronic cigarettes that are pre-filled with an e-liquid that is generally the same size and shape as a tobacco cigarette, and is discarded once the battery runs out. Other, higher quality, electronic cigarettes use a cartomizer that can be refilled and discarded and replaced after several uses. These electronic cigarettes use a rechargeable battery, making them a more permanent device.
E-Liquid / E-Juice
The vapor produced in an electronic cigarette comes from a nicotine-base liquid referred to as e-liquid or e-juice. The e-liquid is heated once it comes in contact with the atomizer, thereby turning the liquid into vapor. The vapor contains a specific amount of nicotine, as well as a flavoring, which delivers the sensation, taste, and feel of smoking. The base of e-liquid consists of either propylene glycol (PG), vegetable glycerin (VG), or a combination of them. Click on the link to see E-Liquids.
A Glassomizer is essentially the same as a Clearomizer (see “Clearomizer” above), however, rather than the tank that hold the e-liquid being made of plastic, it is made of Pyrex glass instead. The primary benefit of the Glassomizer is that it is resistant to acid erosion. That is, the acids in e-liquids will, over time, erode the plastic of the clearomizer. This not only lessens the lifespan of the clearomizer, but may also slightly alter the taste of the e-liquid as well. Glassomizers, therefore, are proclaimed as providing a much “truer” taste when vaping. The primary downside to Glassomizers is their propensity to break if dropped. Glassomizers are also slightly heavier and more expensive than are clearomizers. Click on the link to see Glassomizers.
High-Resistance Atomizer
A high resistance atomizer essentially means that the atomizer is drawing less power from the battery. In other words, the higher the resistance, the lower the voltage. High resistance atomizers are used with batteries that produce much higher voltages than standard electronic cigarette batteries. Most stock batteries are in the 3.7s range, and when paired with a high resistance atomizer, the result will be very low and weak vapor production. High resistance atomizers are typically used in a common vaping practice called modding. In this case, the high resistance atomizer would work with a pair of stacked 3.0-3.7V batteries or other mods operating at 5-6V.
Hybrid Tank
Hybrid tanks, such as the Kanger Subtank Mini-C, are devices that combine rebuildable atomizers and clearomizers together. Hybrid tanks can be essentially used as an RBA should the user want to build his/her own coils, and can be also used as a clearomizer with premade coils.
Low-Resistance Atomizer
A low resistance atomizer essentially means that the atomizer is drawing more power from the battery. In other words, the lower the resistance, the higher the voltage. The e-liquid, in turn, is vaporized more powerfully, thereby producing a larger and thicker vapor, as well as a more potent flavor. Electronic cigarette users often report of an all-around stronger and more flavorful hit with low resistance atomizers.
Due to the fact that low resistance atomizers draw on more of the battery’s power, they tend to burn out more quickly, as well as requiring the battery to be charged more frequently.
mAh stands for milliampere-hour. This is a unit of measurement for electronic devices, such as electronic cigarette batteries. There are six primary mAh sizes of electronic cigarette batteries: 280mAh, 380mAh, 650mAh, 900mAh, 1,000mAh, and 1,100mAh. The bigger the mAh, the longer/larger the battery will be and the longer the battery will last before it needs to be charged.
Manual Battery
A manual electronic cigarette battery is one that requires the user to manually press a button in order to activate the electronic cigarette device.
(Stands for "Modified") Are electronic cigarette devices that use removable, rechargeable batteries. Most electronic cigarette batteries have the physical battery permanently enclosed in a casing. The entire unit is then charged as a whole. Mods, on the other hand, allow for the batteries to be removed from the casing and charged separately. Although mods are generally much thicker and larger than standard electronic cigarettes, they do have their benefits. Mods generally last much longer than standard batteries before needing to be recharged. Also, the ability to remove the batteries allows the user to have a set charging while the other is in use, thereby permitting the user to always have a fully-charged battery at his/her disposal. Click on the link to see Mods.
Mechanical MOD
A mechanical MOD is a MOD (see “MOD” above) that works without the use of electronic components. That is, when pressing the fire button, rather than an electric signal being sent telling the device to heat the atomizer head, a mechanical MOD simply makes the connection between the battery and the atomizer when the button is pressed. In other words, when the button of a mechanical MOD is pressed, the gap separating the battery and the atomizer is closed, allowing for a connection between the two. The benefit of a mechanical MOD is that there are no electrical components that can cause the device to malfunction. This makes mechanical MODs much more durable than APVs. The downside is that mechanical MODs are very basic and offer virtually no options.
Mesh Coils
Mesh coils are atomizer coils that are equipped with a mesh or grid-like metal strip. The strip has a significantly larger surface area than the coiled metal used in standard atomizers, which helps increase flavor and vapor production.
Nickel (Ni-200) Coils
Nickel or Ni-200 atomizer coils are those that are made using Nickel wires. Ni-200 is a specific grade of commercially pure Nickel that is 99.6% pure nickel alloy. It has many beneficial characteristics, such as exceptional resistance to corrosion, magnetic and magnetostrictive properties, low gas content, low vapor pressure, and extremely high electrical and thermal conductivities. Due to these unique properties, Ni-200 coils allows for temperature control and regulation when used with temperature control MODs.
Nicotine Salt E-Juices
Nicotine salt (nic salt) e-liquids are those that contain nicotine in its natural form found within the tobacco plant. The nicotine is then combined with an acid, usually benzoic acid, to create a more absorbable and stable form of the nicotine. The primary benefit of nic salt e-juice is that you can enjoy significantly higher levels of nicotine, while remaining smooth and easy-to-vape. It is important to note that due to the higher nicotine concentrations, nicotine salt vape juices should never be used with sub-ohm devices, but rather with high-resistance coils.
Ohms Reader
Advanced Personal Vaporizers (APVs) often have a feature called an ohms reader. The ohms reader essentially identifies the resistance level of the atomizer that is being used. Some APVs have the ability to automatically adjust the output voltage of the device to work optimally with the atomizer used.
Organic Cotton
Cotton used for wicking material within atomizer coils that are free of impurities, such as bleach. Most high-quality organic cotton is from Japan.
Passthrough Batteries
Some electronic cigarettes are equipped with batteries that allow the user to use the electronic cigarettes while the battery is being charged. These batteries are called passthrough batteries. Click on the link to see passthrough batteries.
PG stand for Propylene Glycol, one of the primary ingredients used in e-liquid (see “E-Liquid / E-Juice” above).
Pod Mod
A pod mod is a vaping device that is similar to a standard mod. It is typically equipped with various capabilities, such as wattage control, temperature adustment, etc. However, unlike standard mods, which work with cylindrical tanks that are screwed on and off the device, pod mods operate in conjunction with square-shaped pods, which are connected to the battery unit via small magnets, making them significantly easier to remove and replace.
Pod System
A pod system is a type of vaporizer that consists of two primary components: a battery and an e-juice reservoir (a pod). Unlike standard vape devices with work in conjunction with a cylindrical tank that is screwed on and off, pods are square-shaped and typically connected with small magnets, making them effortless to remove and replace. Pod systems are generally very basic and do not have any features or variables to adjust. They are also generally auto-draw, meaning that the unit with automatically activate when you draw on the mouthpiece.
Rebuildable Atomizer
Similar to a Rebuildable Dripping Atomizer (RDA), a rebuildable atomizer (RBA) is an atomizer that is assembled by the user, and is not pre-assembled like conventional atomizer coils. Using wicks and wires, there are a wide variety of ways that you can build your own custom atomizer coil. The difference between an RDA and an RBA is that an RBA also has an e-liquid reservoir, eliminating the need to constantly drip e-liquid onto the wicking material. However, rebuildable atomizers are for experienced users only, as they can be extremely dangerous if improperly built and used.
Replaceable Atomizer Heads
All atomizers will “burn out” over time. Depending on a number of factors, including the type of atomizer being used, the amount of power being delivered to the atomizer, and the amount the atomizer is used, atomizers can last from a few days to a few weeks before needing to be replaced. You can usually tell when the atomizer head needs to be replaced because the liquid will start taking on a “burnt” taste. Clearomizers that come with replaceable atomizer heads allow for the head itself to be replaced rather than needing to discard the entire unit and purchase a new one.
The ohms resistance of an atomizer coil. This is an important variable, as the higher the resistance of an atomizer coil, the lower that battery output should be and vice versa. Using high wattage/voltage on a high resistance atomizer coil will result in a harsh hit and prematurely burning out the coil.
Single-Coil Atomizers
These are atomizers that only possess one internal heating element (coil).
Stainless Steel (316L) Coils
316L Stainless Steel atomizer coils are those that use 316L-grade stainless steel as the heating element. The specific grade of stainless steel, referred to as 316L, is the low carbon version of standard 316 stainless steel. This makes the metal immune from sensitization. The 316L-grade of stainless steel also provides higher stress, creep, and tensile strength at increased temperatures. It is also exceptionally resistant to corrosion. All of these characteristics make 316L stainless steel superior to standard Kanthal coils.
Standard-Resistance Atomizer
A standard resistance atomizer is one that uses a median level of power from the battery. Standard resistance batteries produce a nice vapor and throat hit, without drawing on too much of the battery’s power in the process. Standard-resistance batteries produce less vapor than low-resistance atomizers, but more than high-resistance atomizers.
Sub-Ohm Vaping
Those who use atomizer coils that are below 1.0 ohms engage in what is known as sub-ohm vaping.
Temperature Control
Temperature control devices are ones that are capable of regulating and limiting the temperature of atomizer coil wires. However, Kanthal resistance wires are incapable of being temperature regulated. Nickel (NI-200) wires are required to obtain temperature control.
The thread of an electronic cigarette refers to the threading of the battery that matches the threading of the corresponding cartomizer/clearomizer. There are several threads available on the market today, including 808D, 510, eGo, 901, and 801. However, the most common threads are 510 and eGo. It is important that the threading of the batteries are the same as the cartomizer/clearomizer. For example, a 510 cartomizer should be used with a 510 thread cartomizer.
Thread Adapters
All electronic cigarette batteries have a specific thread, including 808D, 510, 302, 901, and 801. The thread of the battery must match the thread of the cartomizer/clearomizer that is used. However, thread adapters can be used to convert the thread of a battery in order for it to match a cartomizer of a different thread. For example, if you have a battery with a 510 thread, but wish to use a cartomizer with a 901 thread, a thread adapter can be used to convert the battery thread from 510 to 901, thereby allowing the cartomizer to fit. Click on the link to see thread adapters.
Throat Hit
The term “throat hit” is used to describe the sensation the user feels in his/her throat when taking a hit of the electronic cigarette. The sensation closely resembles that of smoking a conventional tobacco cigarette. The level of throat hit can be altered depending on the type of e-liquid, level of nicotine strength of the e-liquid, the cartomizer/clearomizer, as well as the battery.
Titanium Coils
Titanium atomizer coils are those that are made using Titanium metal as the heating element. Titanium has unique metallurgical characteristics makes is perfect for several applications. It’s exceptional strength, density, and non-magnetic properties allow it to maintain its strength at very high temperatures. As a result, Titanium atomizer coils affords the ability for temperature control capable MODs to regulate and modify the temperature of the atomizer coils.
Vaping is the act of using an electronic cigarette.
Vape Cloud
A vape cloud is the vapor that is produced after inhaling then exhaling from an electronic cigarette device. Vape cloud often refers to the amount of vapor produced while using an e-cig (see “Vapor Production” above).
Vape Flask
The term “Vape Flask” was coined by Vapor Authority in 2013 when they launched their very first one. The Vape Flask is a stainless steel e-liquid container that has a needle tip protected by a cap that can be screwed on and off. The most prominent feature of the Vape Flask is the push-button controlled release feature. You simply press the button on the end of the Vape Flask, and it will release a controlled amount of e-liquid without any leaking whatsoever.
Vape Juice
See "E-Liquid/E-Juice" above.
A vaper is an individual who uses electronic cigarettes.
Electronic cigarettes use a liquid called e-liquid or e-juice. Once this liquid comes into contact with the atomizer, it is rapidly heated and converted to vapor.
Vapor Production
This the amount of vapor produced when taking a drag of an electronic cigarette device. Some cartomizers/clearomizers produce more vapor than others, based on a number of factors. The primary factor is the type of atomizer as well as the number of atomizers. Vapor production is also determined by the type of e-liquid being used, and the VG-to-PG ration of the e-liquid. Other factors include the resistance level of the atomizer in relation to the amount of voltage or wattage being fed to the atomizer(s).
Variable Voltage Battery
Batteries produce different levels of voltage – from 3.0V - 5.0V Standard batteries emit a specific constant voltage. Variable voltage batteries, on the other hand, allows the user to alter the voltage of the battery depending the user’s preference as well as the type of cartomizer/clearomizer being used.
Variable Wattage Battery
A variable wattage battery is one where the battery output can be adjusted by wattage. Depending on the device, the wattage can be adjusted from 0.5W increments to 1.0W increments.
VG stand for Vegetable Glycerin, one of the primary ingredients in e-liquid (see “E-Liquid / E-Juice” above).
A wick is a string-like filament that is used to absorb e-liquid and feed it to the atomizer coil so that it can be evaporated.